Success, Frustration, and Failure

10 Aug

ImageToday started off just as most days do here at Search Solution Group.    We jumped into our morning meeting and started talking about the day ahead and the preparation that went into today for our sales calls. When one of my new folks got a little flustered about the direction they were heading down and maybe even a little frustrated that they weren’t in THEIR own opinion progressing as quickly as they wanted to be.  Not to give away the ending of this story but this person has had more success than any recruiter I ever met in their first three months and is smarter than me on my best day. Soooo most of this for them is all about trying to be more successful and learn more as quickly as they can. The best thing that came out of this is that my new employee is more concerned about what their teammates think because they don’t want to be the weakest link. PRETTY DARN COOL if you ask me!

 As we closed the door and started having a heart to heart I pulled up LinkedIn and started to tell a story about my first three months in the business and the people who were around me when I started. I had no idea what was going to happen because I was just winging the whole conversation. One of the guys who worked at the same firm I did when I first started in this business had at least six more years of experience than I did. I will never forget asking him a question and him laughing at me before he told me  the answer ( I almost punched him in the nose). I started with his LinkedIn profile and went thru his last ten years of work history. What a mess it has been eight jobs in the last ten years! HA HA HA what a joke he turned into. We looked at one more persons background and his LinkedIn profile was not much more impressive. I don’t want to turn this into me hating on people, but more of a lesson on where we are going together and what it takes to get there.

My point to my employee was that we all have to start some place (for me it was getting laughed at) and your level of commitment along with a few other things will help dictate where you end up ten years from now. It is in a weird way very satisfying to look back at those two peoples careers and see that with perseverance, commitment and hard work that SSG has kicked their BUTT! We ended the conversation shaking hands and agreeing to look back at their LinkedIn profiles in nine months and count how many new jobs they have and laugh a little bit together.

One Response to “Success, Frustration, and Failure”

  1. lol August 10, 2012 at 2:05 pm #

    i thought the conversation ended differently… in the bathroom…

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